S2, Episode 11: An Interview with Roger Kimball

Posted by Benjamin Hannemann on September 26, 2024

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An Interview with Roger Kimball, Editor and Publisher

Words matter. The right words can advance new ideas, enrich our lives and alter the course of history. Yet in today’s technologically driven world, language is often diluted as people think less about word choice and more about quick responses. This has also contributed to a decline in culture. Shorter attention spans and the lure of the screen have made people less inclined to appreciate or understand the works of the great artists, writers and thinkers. It has also contributed to an erosion of the values of the Western tradition and the principles of America’s founding.

Our guest on this episode of Voices of Freedom has dedicated his life’s work to preserving culture and contributing to the world of ideas. Roger Kimball, publisher of Encounter Books, shares his thoughts on the power of words and provides an update on a new initiative dedicated to honoring and preserving the traditions of the West and of America.

Topics Discussed on this Episode:

  • Kimball’s path toward the publishing industry and Encounter Books
  • The intriguing history of Encounter Books
  • The power of words
  • The impact of technology on culture
  • The New Criterion’s role in upholding the Western tradition
  • Encounter’s Golden Thread Initiative
  • The future of high culture

Roger Kimball is President and Publisher of Encounter Books and Editor and Publisher of The New Criterion. He writes regular columns for American GreatnessThe Epoch Times, and The Spectator, US edition. He has written numerous books, lectures widely and has appeared on national radio and television programs as well as the BBC. Kimball is a 2019 Bradley Prize winner.